Wednesday, November 11, 2009

no rest for the wicked.

Some Adobe Illustrator work for 2D.

Don't procrastinate, kiddos.
It will result in countless hours of lost sleep.

Today, I feel accomplished because I have finished many major projects, on time! (With lots of stress and freaking out involved, of course.)

The bad news is that I can't do stuff for the art sale, there's no way I'd have it done in time. :C

Sad face, indeed.

But I will be making prints, eventually. And they will be up for sale, most def.

The weather has been soooo nice. I want it to stay like this!
I'm also excited about the feast they have here for Thanksgiving (or so I've heard). I was told it's just like Hogwarts. I hope this is true, because I am not going home. Too bad. ♥

How is everyone? I am pretty upset that I won't be around for senior shows and all that good stuff. Take pictures!

Oh, and for anyone who wants to send mail-
Leave a message, on here or the Bookface.

My address changed because of construction, so don't send to 2nd Ave S.

I love getting mail (you have no idea, it makes me feel like I'm less of a college hermit), and I superlove sending letters on ridiculous stationary. True story.

So yeahs. I need to do art, for myself. For reals. Just some fun stuff...
I'll make that happen once this schoolwork business isn't so intense.

Loves yous guyses.

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